Tell me if you're able to laugh at this or be like "W†f"?
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline Should we dona voice reveal?
BlackSheep y e h
BlackSheep mhm
I’m thinking about Zoom.
BlackSheep yessss
s e n d l i n k y i f y o u m a k e o n e . -
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline tbh same
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline I don’t have a account tho…- Let’s try w2g.
BlackSheep i got it, dw
BlackSheep i have a talk room link rn
@angel-dust S e n d
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline i cant do itttt
@angel-dust can u do this???
@angel-dust noie
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline nvm