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@HoodedSans well its so great to have you come here with the normal hooded facial expression
ikr, right after loosing a family i dont wish to kms like yall.
@HoodedSans well isn’t that something
and yet my ass still has smile on my face because ik my greatgrandfather is in heaven watching over me just as my brother
unlike ya’ll, i dont emotional about loosing a family member, i instead am greatful because they get to see the lord himself
@HoodedSans yep no matter what they will do there best to guide you to the right path in life
i set my own path when my brother passed.
@HoodedSans i mean I’ve lost many family members I haven’t cried over most but some I almost killed my self just cuz I wanted to see them again
same but we just gotta carry on with life
@HoodedSans yep