Person that has best memes on mppc
and @toxic
@toxic @Burd 100%
@Creati132 nah toxic has better memes
@kat I don’t know, maybe they are
@kat Nope.
@kat idk man, he’s rather copy and paste
@Ditto-2-0 MemeGuy deleted his account yesterday
WELL Replace his with me.
@toxic I shouldn’t have laughed, but I did, now I feel like i’m gonna go to hell
@Creati132 MemeGuy will be very sad
@kat like i said, copy and paste
@toxic I gotta stop laughing.
@Burd You copy and paste too my guy
@Creati132 no you don’t
@toxic It’s official, i’m going to hell
@Creati132 have fun