you guyyyyssss
you need to stop me from being so sillyyyyyyyyyyyy… Gosh, I’m actually gonna commit silly acts. Oh my god I have a story, okay so like one day I was walking home from school and tripped and scraped my knee, as a kid should do, then I cried, and watched a movie about a dog who’s like some sort of Macho Libre, right!!! and I nEEED this dog cuz he’s so cute and cuddly, anyways so after that day I went to school and this silly wrinkly whore decided to tell me that me limping wasssss UNNECESSARY?! cause my knee was in owie, anyways I need a chihuahua
@Xavier-M A WHAT? You mean a CHIMICHANGA? (That’s what my bestie calls them lmaooo)
@Bexley BRUH WHAT 💀💀
@Xavier-M my bae fr
@finn-dfw-u is right here bro