my cute catt
@fallen-angel shhhh, youll get candy and a happy meal
@VinnyLeVonsweet YEEEE take the cat
you’d rather a temporary treat over something that can last you years of enjoyment? the disrespect to batcat
@fallen-angel thank you, hides cat under hat, and gives in return 5 happy meals and bags of candy
jun its not even my cat hehehehe
@VinnyLeVonsweet YAYYYY takes the treats
@fallen-angel doesn’t have to be your cat to live a life of years ahead of it but ok
@fallen-angel even better, i wont be introuble for stealing
jun okiieee
@VinnyLeVonsweet nope
@fallen-angel hands over more happy meals
@VinnyLeVonsweet takes em all yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@fallen-angel yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@VinnyLeVonsweet yayyyy
@fallen-angel =w=
@VinnyLeVonsweet :)))
@fallen-angel boop
@VinnyLeVonsweet yeeee
@fallen-angel i call favoritism >:[
@DaTollCaféOwner wowww