I'm giving out banners that match your pfp
@Creati132 twas a compliment on your half
actually scratch that my ex was the biggest bitch there is
jun Kk
@Dominic bro its a meme ðŸ˜
@Dominic Every ex is lmao
@Creati132 oh no mine was the worst
@Dominic Sure Bob
Knox cry bout it smol one
@Creati132 Uk Hope right?
@Dominic No-?
@Dominic da bitch
Knox yea that one
@Dominic Mention her?
@Dominic anyways she’s the reason why i dont trust easily
@Dominic Ohhh okay, ngl I always thought she was chill-
@Dominic dom you trusted a random person that wanted to fuck you.
@Creati132 yea she acts it
@Creati132 yas
Knox eh true