Call me crazy, but. . .
I think Falling In Reverse has finally allowed me to consider it “good”. Sure, it only took literal YEARS but I can now say with pride in my heart that I like Falling In Reverse. Truth be told, I was never a fan of their earier work, but that could’ve been them simply finding what works for them. Aside from The Drug In Me is You and Fashionably Late, I haven’t listened to any other albums. I’ve only heard songs like Popular Monster, I’m Not A Vampire (Revamped), ZOMBIFIED, and Watch The World Burn. I find all of these to actually be pretty good, so good that now I consider myself to be a Falling In Reverse Fan. As someone who’s hated their work for years, I’m glad I’m FINALLY seeing some fucking improvement.
P.S. I clearly made this post purely outta boredom and nothing else.
@Just-A-_-Simp ok
Uh, okay, awesome