Yk when you go to the store and you see someone yk and you see them and they see you but ur on opposite side of the store but you can’t walk away because your in charge of the buggy( shopping cart ) so you just stand there and then you leave and didn’t say a word to them
That totally wasn’t me 15 mins ago -
@simmp-for-kit nah one time i was in the store barefoot and shit bc i HATE shoes and a i saw someone i knew in a dress from school and they were talking about me in school
@fallen-angel dang
@fallen-angel and another time somewhere else i saw someone i knew and i was vaping and shit and he was from school
@fallen-angel oop
@simmp-for-kit I remember seeing my substitute gym teacher in a store, said hi, and afterwards we literally ended up meeting each other in multiple aisles.
It was awkward as hell.
@simmp-for-kit this one time, like me and my fam was all done shopping and we were in our car and shi and like i thought i saw someone i knew outside, so i got out of the car and yelled " HIIII (their name)" And then i looked closely, and it wasn’t them. so i walked back to the car and said “drive”
@Izzy-Lol dang i did that once its so traumatizing
@simmp-for-kit FRRR
@InvalidBandit if i saw my gym teacher in the store i would literally DIE
@simmp-for-kit my old gym teacher is my cousin
@fallen-angel … mines not
@simmp-for-kit oop-
@fallen-angel :) lol