Just gotta love it
You’ve said more racial slurs, and they didn’t even say it correctly. It was meant to be a joke.
@SM9118Studios bro literally got mad over a joke about ‘bet you misread that lol’
That was before, I don’t think there have been any recent incidents past 2022 where i’ve even said the soft a because people get butthurt
Also, two, he has instances of calling someone a “negro” as I pointed out and you completely ignored, and three you can’t actually even say the full n word because its blocked, meaning its a bypass
@SM9118Studios Thats like saying somebody threatened to hurt somebody and in court they just say “It was a joke” lke thats not how that works
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion Never saw you point any of that shit out. Also, you were banned for trying to forcefully pull them into a fucking argument which I was trying to stop to maintain the peace.
Correct me if i’m wrong, but i’m pretty sure the guy that I insulted back just stole some insults online and used them towards me before I said anything that should get me banned (like someone has a mcdonalds logo forehead and a vegeta hairline…?)
Either way the fact that i’m getting a permaban for that alone when there was supposedly a “reset” and they just got a warning is weird
@SM9118Studios Not even a warning kick just oh warning don’t start arguments and then oh instantly let me just perma ban them because I don’t like whats happening rn even though this this and this happened first
@SM9118Studios Also you saying that you just “didn’t see me point any of this shit out” just means that you were only paying attention to the stuff I was doing wrong and not anything else
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion Nah, I was half asleep. I’m currently half asleep right now too so fuck off mate.
@SM9118Studios You can’t just be an operator and not even fully evaluate a situation before deciding on fair and equal punishments
@SM9118Studios Well if you’re half asleep I don’t think its too smart to make the decision to perma ban someone off of one warning
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion You’ve had many, MANY warnings in the past.
@SM9118Studios There was a, “reset” was there not (i’m literally saying this off of what you told me, you saying that everyones past warnings and bans didn’t matter and everybody got a clean slate to start off with again)
@SM9118Studios So based off of what you said to me, this doesn’t really make sense.
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion The warnings were after the supposed “reset”.
@SM9118Studios wasn’t my idea.
@SM9118Studios I haven’t gotten a single warning past the reset besides that one
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion Bullshit.
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion Not to my knowledge anyways, considering that you like to do certain things once im offline
@SM9118Studios You operators can go through logs right how about you go and check for yourself