Just gotta love it
@Natsuki-Susuki oha nd i tihink i might still have the screenshot of shazz confirming
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion can u fuck off now i cant click it
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion my face is fucking viberating
@Natsuki-Susuki ok i might not have it ima have to ask nekofell to go into my old accounts dms and send me the image
or just have shazz send an ss
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion ok
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion i have no use for this acount so imma delete it to get it off my head
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion bye sweetie
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion <3
@Natsuki-Susuki you’re a terrible person
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion no u lol
@Natsuki-Susuki im not the one who bans someone confronting a racist
@Natsuki-Susuki at the very least i’d be hearing out what they have to say you didn’t even listen to anything i said but the things that were bad ( and they still weren’t really bad )
@not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion cuz aint no way saying somebody got a vegeta hairline a perm ban
irrelevant; Misty, they take downvotes as upvotes, you did it wrong
oh ew that’s cringe
@beelzebub everyday I imagine a future where this topic isn’t bullshit (do do do do do do do DO do dodo dodo DO do)
screenshots? @not-afraid-to-voice-my-opinion
@SM9118Studios You’re acting like its not bullshit but he literally typed “Migger” in to the chat and you didn’t even give a bot warn u just said “oh don’t say that” but I say something to him for it I get permbanned when I have literally no warn history since reset .-.
@SM9118Studios Then you proceed to say that you didn’t even see me give a past example of him calling someone a negro in the room but you can’t even apologize for that? but im bullshitting? so if I were to go ahead and type that in the chat you wouldn’t ban me right because its a “joke” according to you.