Kaylee Rose Faust oh, kay?
oh cod why am i terrified rn
]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ 6 minutes 0-0
]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ im going to be in the voicechat on the official MPP discord server for my return.
Kaylee Rose Faust I’m just confused why you have to act so suspicious. Man you dm’d me to ask “questions” and only asked a single question then refused to say anything else to me. I know I’m a talkitive guy but I like to know people! If you need something just ask man, you dont have to be all suspicious lol
@Duchess i prefure tuna
scarlet lol I like cat fish
@Duchess i only eat tuna cuz i refuse to consume any other fish, because ew