I busted my fucking knee, got attacked by my dog (not overreacting) and the world just beat me up.
@MGC its not that serious, calm down
if ya didn’t wan’t to see it don’t post on it! -
@MGC omg you didnt know im retarded!! good for you for finally figuring it out 👺❤️
JDP Random anal sex
@MGC so are other people not allowed to make posts out of boredom? Sounds like you’re becoming retarded… 😰😰😰😰😰😱😱😱😱
@HEXER “oh no guys… It’s… it’s…RETARDED!!” That’s what my dad says to me as a joke.
@MGC hot
me personally, I wouldn’t take that level of disrespect @MGC
But that’s just me tho -
@MGC You need to leave