Bouncer's Rules
I found Bouncer’s Rules
- Do not spam/flood chat. Bans for this could be an hour or more at the operator’s discretion. This applies to everyone, don’t think you can get away with it just because you’ve been here for a while. 2) Don’t be toxic or disrespectful, try to keep arguments calm if they do happen. 3) NSFW is fine if everyone in the room is comfortable with it. 4) Impersonation is not allowed. 5) Do not evade bans. 6) Don’t go room to room broadcasting information to as many people as possible. Typically messages spread in that way are just rumors or made up to hurt someone’s reputation. 7) Piano spam that is only annoying and has no musical value is not allowed. Midi players are generally ok, however looping midi ports does count as spam. 8) Harassment is not allowed and bans are at the operators discretion, if it continues to be an issue permbans will be given.
@imissmywife I have no a clue-