Mods are humans too.
I went to see who put a heart pumping emoji in my post and it made me react to my own post XD
I can’t undo it either lol
@Duchess That’s exactly what just happened to me on my post
@Duchess I did that the first time too on a post - I wanted to see who did what and I accidentally clicked, haha.
Cursed Cucumber & Shazz_ Nitsua should make it so if you hover over it, you see who reacted. And if you click it, you can unclick it as well.
@Duchess How would that work on mobile though, I don’t own a computer :')
@Duchess That does work already, I just didn’t know how to at first, haha ^^
But you can’t unclick, yeah. -
@Duchess I am not human
@CaptainPresto yea, u are high.
@7o2_an-a This is true, but I am not human
@CaptainPresto yes bc u live in ohio so you are a ohioan. like mee
i totally agree. its because idiots think moderators are introverted people who never leave their computers. and plus then they are like “well even if it was a job they should be doing shit more often than not when i need help.”
if you think my opinion is incorrect or duchess’s opinion is incorrect, thats fine. keep being a red-pilled dingleberrie.
itsSamTheKing said in Mods are humans too.:
idiots think moderators are introverted people who never leave their computers.
Hah. Yup. I would say Im more on the extroverted side, actually.
then they are like “well even if it was a job they should be doing shit more often than not when i need help.”
LOL So true. I do do other important stuff.
This post is quite old and how come I didn’t upvote this
what if they are an attack helicopter. What then?
true, true.
@Duchess said in Mods are humans too.:
We have lives outside this site so not all the time can we be active the very moment we’re mentioned. We’re not robots. And we certainly don’t just sit on our computers 24/7. So when a mod isn’t helping at the moment you need us, please know that if we were there, we would help. And if we’re not, be mindful that we don’t just serve mppc. We have families, friends, jobs, and obligations outside the internet. Mods are humans too.
If only people understood the things I do outside of here, I’m currently a trial moderator on MPP and MPPC, I’m in marching band, I’m conditioning for softball season, along with chores, IB, and community service. I’m a busy person, I still find time to be here, but my whole life doesn’t revolve around these sites. I think people see us to be that whole “discord mod” meme and that’s not who we are at all. We’re people too, so when you talk to us, be civil, nice, whatever you wanna call it. Just don’t be a dick to us because we have lives.
When I was a room-mod on MPP, you should’ve seen the way people were on MPP before the AFK tag, we’d get mention spammed and then attacked for doing something, one time I came back to like 25 mentions because I left my computer for 5 minutes when someone came and attacked someone in the room. It was ridiculous lmao.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao