Hooded says he's not homophobic yet he says shit like this??
What the fuck does it matter to y’all what the hell I think about gay people
send me his discord
yeah because it’s homophobic to say what he thinks we do rather than what he thinks of us
but he ain’t lying tho
I’m sorry, why does that sound like something an old man would say😭 -
I keep rereading this and I still don’t understand it can you explain what you’re saying, I’m a little slow -
@7o2_an-a oml.
“Yeah, because it’s homophobic to assume gay people sexualize everything, and not homophobic to actually think negatively of gay people for being gay”
Ohhhh okay I understand it now, thank you -
And like, I’m still not seeing how the fuck that’s homophobic. He’s deadass right about that. Most of my friends here are members of the LGBTQ+ in some way, whether they’re actually gay or not. And, if I’m being fr with you, my gay friends love making inappropriate jokes and innuendos. Be so fr.
Ok. Yknow, people don’t have to always agree with you right? If hood dosent like the LGBTQ+ Then oh well. Stop already. You coulda just talked to him in dms.
@Duchess Shazz_ @CaptainPresto Can one of you lock this please? -
@1zzylmao Yes