RE: Me when i heard the minecraft movie finna be a musical
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ You’re lying if you’re saying you wanna watch that shit.
RE: Hello peeps
Welcome!! Glad to have you here!! Hope you enjoy being here while it lasts!!!
Bro, why do parents always feel the need to fat shame their child.
Like bitch you can’t be talking, you’re literally built like the fucking Eiffel Tower if it was fucking wide. You’re built like a fucking house with 80 rooms. all filled with food. Like stfu.
This is acc insane.
I’m just going to say this rn
Why do people constantly say “Oh ml, I won’t cheat on you <3” And then after
they say that, They over here going here to other men and/or women. Like vro,
I gave my girlfriend the Benifet of the doubt. I told her that If I ever had a
chance with Yangyang, I would cheat on her with him. But that will never
happen so therefore, I won’t cheat. Having celeberty crushes are common.
But just straight cheating on your wife and/or husband, Boyfriend and/or
Girlfriend with an unimportant person is acc as irrelevent as you is acc
pathetic. And don’t be saying how I’m in people’s busniesses, shut the fuck
up, cuz I had the same shit happen to me a lot. Some of you don’t even
deserve to be in a relationship. And let’s talk about the fact that You guys
also cheat on your significant other with your beat friend, their best friend, or their sibling… Why are ya’ll over here cheating. Especially if your partner really loved you. You’re actually giving that up. Ya’ll are acc pmo e/ts. Either keep the promise or stfu. Like, if you don’t like your partner anymore, Just say something instead of sleeping with other people without your partner knowing because you don’t like them anymore. Like bro stfu.Keep the promise or just acc stfu because I’m tired of people cheating so fucking much. Like everyday, someone’s over here like “Oh, my bf cheated on me!”
AND THE PEOPLE WHO ALSO WANNA PLAY THE VICTIM TOO WHEN THEY CHEAT FIRST. Y’all acc better stfu 'cause why ya’ll tryna seek comfort like you didn’t just cheat on your partner with somebody else. And then.when they cheat back, you’re mad. I mean, y’all are even now, but stfu.
Targeted but not to anybody on here, And this s mostly just a general and genuine talk.