Summary of my day I guess
I’ve gone through boredom, frustration, and joy multiple times today.
Let’s start with boredom. Meh, I was just watching YouTube on my Switch Lite while my computer was charging and was bored, and just wanted to play Roblox. That’s about it.
As for frustration, my dad’s at it again. He drank today, so, naturally, he was drunk today. I particularly dislike him when he drinks, as it’s not just that he’s a jerk, but it’s that even the slightest form of attitude or even a joke he slightly dislikes sets him over the edge. As for today, he kept repeatedly asking me if I wanted food. It went sorta like this:
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want chicken nuggets?”
“Are you sure?”
“I can make you a sandwich”
“Yes please.”
Never made me the sandwich, had to remind him 5 times for him to make it. Afterwards he kept asking me if I wanted food and repeatedly asked me if I was ‘sure,’ as if I didn’t decline 17 (counted) different times. Which of course annoyed the heck out of me, which caused me to say:
“Dude, what about ‘no’ aren’t you getting, I said I’m not hungry, shut up.”
Of course, being the guy he is, he got offended and started going through his edgy phase for the 420th time, acting as if he’s scary and intimidating and as if I in fact did not want to punch a pained middle-aged man.Now, to the part where I started enjoying my day!
I was playing around in Early Access Recode to Creatures of Sonaria, I game I frequently play on Roblox. Today’s gameplay was actually pretty enjoyable, as I no longer deal with people complaining about dying as the realism version of the game was dropped, and will soon be main game rather than EA Recode, second mode. I met a lot of fun players and managed to find myself in a lot of cool servers with interesting people to talk with, so I had fun messing around and creating a safe-place for smaller creatures so they could play without getting hunted, by placing territory and making it a public space. Anyways, the game started bugging out due to an update that happened today, causing some funny lil goofs to happen. Models and players are completely invisible, hah. So I went over to the Wiki page for the game and had a lot of funny conversations with people there since it was exploding due to the game breaking.Although my day had some downsides, I had a much more fun day than I usually do. I hope you guys can have fun once in a while like I do, even if it’s not too often. Love you guys… Well, some of you. :)
@marvie229 said in Summary of my day I guess:
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want chicken nuggets?”
“Are you sure?”
“I can make you a sandwich”
“Yes please.”lmao-
@Serco915 listen
the only food i want is the sandwiches he makes -
and because for some reason i have bad pronunciation i call i a sammich
@marvie229 sammich