@20-11-11 Okay. This is the second time I’ve seen you post lyrics with the n word. And I personally dmed you to watch what lyrics you post because slurs like that aren’t allowed. Since I already warned you, Ill have to take some action.
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@Duchess HMMMMMMMM should I?
@20-11-11 lolll
@20-11-11 😳
@20-11-11 Should you what.
@Duchess Nothing Duchessss
@Duchess 🙇
what is going on
entertaining stupidity is what’s going on
@Duchess nah
@20-11-11 ?
@Duchess idk
@1zzylmao You stfu, that word isn’t allowed here and it’s been stated SEVERAL times by duchy not to post those kinds of songs
fuck bruh -
@marvie229 oMg sUe MeeE
… 6 days later