Might be leaving for a long time idk
Ky.Is.High. good fucking night… im going to sleep and hoping to never wake up again.
@Michael-Afton-Ig okay?
Alright bye im done being a child like i said
@Shadow seeya, won’t miss ya.
@Michael-Afton-Ig stfu child
@Shadow make me emo boy.
can yall stfu at this point
@X-Cyx-X this is gettin boring anyways.
@Michael-Afton-Ig Imma be the adult and leave you to your lonely ass life of jacking off :D…
you’ve said your goodbyes, goodnight, goodbye, hush up, <3 thank you. Nuff said
@Shadow atleast i got a partner, what happened to yours?
@Michael-Afton-Ig mk this is boring now, so seeya
@Shadow This is your decision. We will miss you Shadow :(
I am not going to beg you to stay. Not because I don’t want you to stay but because I Have no control whether you click on this website or not ButPlease visit- <3
@Sorry-Its-Sage Thanks means alot and ill try lol idk though
@Shadow *a lot
Lol yeah
@Shadow :)
Well yeah im just done with the toxic people on this site and the drama and getting hurt and yeah im tried of being toxic back
@Shadow same… idk if i have the power to leave- im an addict to it ._.