I wen't to get some air at get air
I got air on some trampolines with my cousin fr.
Well besides getting air, I tried to make a 8 foot jump from one platform to another platform, which is jumping across a whole trampoline from one solid platform to another.
And lets just say, it ended real bad,
I landed on the platform and bent my leg pretty bad,
landing in a splits type form and that hurt…
I sat there for like 5 minutes hurting bad, until I got bored sitting there hurting frSo that didn’t stop me from still jumping for another hour with my foot hurting real bad though because I’ve always had way too much energy since I was little fr.
I even learned how to do a front flip, and also a dive into a front flip fully learning them on accident somehow,
and now im really good at it,
so that’s cool.practice makes perfect
JDP_Random omg r u ok??
Ayari Yeah im good, I just can’t hardly run anymore
JDP_Random I hope u feel better Jordan