Something 4 U to know <3
@Sen W h e r e?
@Haven Literally nowhere. That’s what I said.
@Sen Ah I mean i guess they get mad because “Pride” But pride in the bibe dosn’t always Mean Homosexuality. It could/Most def Mean To be selfish
@Haven Lol, I still wonder who came up with being gay is a sin. Probably some person who thought of Adam and Eve, went “only man and woman can be together” and stuck with it. In reality it was because man and woman by natural instinct and for reproductive purposes.
Two guys can’t reproduce so God didn’t need that, LOL -
@Sen Actually, The bible never said how Adam and Eve were Looking like So the White people with reddish brown Hair you think are Adam and eve? You’re wrong BRO
Personally, I believe the bible didn’t mean ‘pride’ as in ‘homosexuality’. I think he meant the term ‘pride’ as in ‘bragging about ones accomplishments to an overextent’.
@Haven Lol, they could’ve been any color.
He’s just waiting for you to do it so he can save you
I dont think God just waits for people to jack up just so He can save them. I’m pretty sure He rather you not sin at all.
@Duchess Okay I see I’ve worded it wrong he more like, IDK I guess a pastor can explain it better than me
@Haven haha