Depressive morning, might not talk too much today
@Sen no dude
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Do you need something?
@Sen No-
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Then don’t post something so… Not correct for the topic.
@Sen I was saying No Bro because of the topic, I Usally Say No Dude Or No Bro When Something Bad Happens, Sorry If It Sounded Unusual
@JulietteFairmontOfficial Yeah, I don’t think “no bro
” was an appropriate response to this.
@Sen Sorry
i’m willing to take your dad out, to make him get a taste what he did to that poor doggo, i don’t care if i get sentenced to life behind bars, it’s worth it for one less living devil that’s living amongst us
@Sen Holy shit- I’m sorry… Your dad is a dikhead for sure. Poor doggo…
I hope you feel better soon <3
@Sen I hate when parents blame their kids for something that…they know would hurt them :( You loved that dog, and all your dad can do is blame you for him having to shoot it? I don’t really know too much about it, but even it was your fault, it’s not very right of him to get this way and blame you heartlessly. I am so sorry this happened.