Did I fucking ask????
So, I’m getting ready for school, and my mom is making some very very nice comments about me.
“You’re wearing too much makeup”
“You’re 14 years old”
“You’re overdressed for a Monday anyways”(when in fact, that was not what I was asking, I was asking her which choker I should wear, so I’m not sure who in the fucking world asked you, but thanks for the input I didn’t need.)She does this Everytime I wanna look nice, because she wants me to wear jeans and a T-shirt every single day. And she wonders why I don’t tell her anything or necessarily like her over my dad.
Like I get it, you hate it when I dress up goth and show even the SLIGHTEST bit of cleavage, or wear not even a fucking face ton of makeup, but even fucking eyeshadow is bad???
I just wanna know why, woman. And I’m sorry, I still cannot find who fucking asked!!!
Also if you think I’m overreacting, no I’m not. She says way worse shit so I’m just tired of her even commenting on anything I wear in a negative way. She calls me sexy and shit, and tells me I’m too old for even the slightest bit of skin to be shown. I couldn’t even wear shorts one time because she was freaking out about my ass.
People should worry about themselves more then worrying about others. Nobody fucking asked for their opinions. -
@Hexers-Angel Does your dad know about this or just doesn’t care?
As a teenager, she should fuck off about what you wanna wear.
If it were a kid, this would be okay. However, you’re old enough to make decisions for your own and she should have no input on your life’s choices. -
@Cawwie he does know, he just can’t do anything about it cause my mom is a narc and a prick to everyone.
that’s not good