incase you were wondering
I won’t be online after 3:30PM EST until 9PM EST tonight
I have a band clinic at a university in my district and will be focused on that, so, I’ll be online from 9PM-10PM/8PM-9PM EST/Central -
Should you need me during those hours, well, don’t
@Thetruepath yessir i have a life today
@finneass that sucks for me cuz less time with you but I’m glad you have fun stuff to do :)
@Thetruepath eh, we can talk on sunday, im free then :)
wait nvm, we can talk sunday night, that morning i have community service and we’re going to the mall
@finneass there is always gonna be future time. you have a life. go live it and enjoy it. you know I’m a message away <3
@Thetruepath yeah of course hun <3
im real excited tho, i get to play with people on my level or higher and who take music as seriously as i do and i get to play some fun pieces with them, make friends, etc.
@finneass sounds really fun
@Thetruepath it usually is, its not overnight tho cause its only a 30 minute drive which is sad, overnight is funner
@finneass LMAO overnight stuff is always funny
@Thetruepath last year we were simping over michael b jordan until 2am (it was 5 of us) and then the year before that we played mario kart all night and then went to waffle house for breakfast😎, then for the university one the year before we played hide and seek because we had the connecting rooms and it was fun
@finneass that literally sounds so fun
@Thetruepath yeah we always have fun, my band family is like my cousins atp
@finneass GL!
@finneass That’s an exacting opportunity