Kids were laughing at my sisters (Not a vent, more of a rant)
And obviously that pissed me the fuck off because they’re all under 10.
We were at a trampoline park doing dodge ball and there were kids in there already. We all just went into the same team together, on the other team there were 3 teenagers, probably older than me. Our team had basically all kids under 10, aside from me. So since I’m the oldest in the trampoline, the teens are all aiming for me, cause they’re not gonna hit little kids. And they’re throwing hard as fuck, like my leg turned red for the next half hour hard. Then there’s a fucking 9 year old laughing at me because I can’t dodge 4 balls at once? Obviously I leave and I just watch from outside, because I’m not gonna make my sisters leave when they’re having fun and I’m not.
But then, I notice my eldest sister (9) is getting targeted by TEENS. Not even just teens, teenage BOYS. At this point I have a small attitude, but thank God a decent teenage boy switches to their team. Fast-forward, I’m just scrolling on TikTok because I got bored, and I look up to see my baby fucking sister crying. A fucking FIVE year old crying, because they’re laughing at the fact she can’t hit them. Wtf. And that’s not the best part, they’re yelling at my other sister, an 8 year old, to leave the trampoline because they hit her. And they literally won’t stop hitting her with balls until she gets out. I obviously get them the fuck put of there because I’m fucking pissed. Now me being me won’t confront them, because one, I’m younger then the guys, and two, I went there to have fun, not have problems with low life acne filled dicks. We leave the dodgeball and have fun somewhere else.
But then we go back because we notice the shit holes left. For a good 10 minutes, it’s just me and my sisters, 2 little kids, and a probably 12 year old, and it’s fun. But then the bitch ass 9 year old that was laughing at me came in. So that ruined my mood and I leave. But then the bitch is now laughing at my sisters. ALL THREE OF THEM. Again, I’m fucking pissed, so I go in there and start playing against her, and because she’s a kid, it’s easy to whoop her ass. And it’s clear as day that I’m targeting her, turns out the decent teenage guy is her older brother, I know this because they were called because their time was up and they left together. Thank God she left, she was getting on my nerves. But THEN, the two teenage asses came back in and one brought their little brother. That little brother is HITTING my sister, like hard. She wanted to leave so obviously I let her play outside the dodge ball court. Now those teenage boys and the kid are going after me and my sisters. F u n . Eventually, the time they payed for was up and they left, thank the heavens.
The rest of the day was fun, we had a decent dodgeball match with decent people around me and my sister’s age.
Also sorry about this rant on new years. It just had me pissed almost all day.