wait- ky, why would you carve his name into your arm if you were with sage??
I skipped most this, are u talking Abt menace?
zofya406 oh mk
. . .
zofya406 does it rlly matter lmfao
@Sorry-Its-Sage I’m just wondering lol
zofya406 bc…i loved him a lot…never stopped…he dont feel the same tho…
Ky.Is.High. lol so then why did i date you
zofya406 ur a lucky person…he really cares ab u…and dont u dare hurt him <3
@Sorry-Its-Sage idk :/
Ky.Is.High. well, carving his name into your arm is stupid. It’s like getting a tattoo of his name on your arm when he moved on, but at least it’ll scar over instead having to get it removed with a laser
Ky.Is.High. Trust me, I won’t hurt him, I’m too overprotective of him
zofya406 ik its stupid idk why i did it. wasnt thinkin good. but it happend. so.
zofya406 good
Ky.Is.High. -cough-
@Sorry-Its-Sage yuh i kinda liked u :/ so us dating was your choice i didnt care if we did or not. :/
Ky.Is.High. You shouldn’t be playing with people’s feelings just to make you feel better, you just end up hurting them mentally and they will get severe trust issues
zofya406 hurting them? gurlie nah. i didnt hurt her. and i aint playin wit their feelings i did sorta have feelings. but it is what it is