finn's advice (bolded text is basically the TL;DR)
be careful who you hang around and who you share things with on mppc, mpp or the internet in general. theres some pretty fucked up people on the internet, whether that be pedos, assholes, abusers, doxxers, etc. and none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes, we all fuck things up, but some people are genuinely people who you shouldn’t waste your time with. and trust your instinct, if someone/something seems off to you, don’t trust them/it. you don’t have to explain why you blocked someone, hell you don’t even have to have a valid reason. the buttons there for you to use at your discretion and if this person continues to bother you after that, thats harassment. so yeah, just be careful of who you hang around, don’t waste your time with people who you don’t trust because most of the time your instincts are right and they’re gonna protect you every time.
mfw i literally doxxed myself:
@Flandre-Scarlet mfw i doxxed myself too:
@Flandre-Scarlet skill issue