Little update about my life.
It’s been pretty stressful, but, i’m making it through.
There are many reasons why it’s been decently hard.Firstly, i’m not sure, but i have slight assumptions i have a eating disorder. Every time i smell food, i get nauseated. Ive been getting nauseous much more often now, and it’s affecting how i eat. I love food, and eat pretty normally, but, in the evenings i’m almost always nauseous.
Next, my life is shit. I hardly do schoolwork because my dad isn’ there to help me, so i just… don’t do it. I feel bad and know i should, but I physically can’t without someone helping me.Next, my sleeping routine. I go to bed 1:00 - 3:00, and usually wake up at eleven. I’m starting to wake up at seven now, and i don’t like that. I only got four hours of sleep last night. That concerns me.
I’m going to try to fix that by going to bed earlier.I’d go on more but the list goes on and on.
Anyways thank you for reading -
@Cawwie An eating disorder isnt something that comes from the body, but of the mind. What I mean is, basically for a person with an ED, it is their disordered thinking about food itself that is the problem. So if you just feel nauseous about food at a certain time of day, it is likely something else like acid reflux or anxiety. Unless that anxiety is about eating, which you say you like food an eat pretty normally, I dont think you have an ED.
I understand what you mean about needing help with homework. It can help keep focused, and sometimes it’s just necessary to have someone re-explain the questions from different angles. I had my dad do that with my homework and also my teachers. It might sound silly, but I would be glad to help with your homework somehow. Even if it’s to help interpret a question or give examples to help you understand the material.
For anyone, a 1-3 am bedtime isnt that great, but I especially say that for young people who go to school. I really hope you at least nap somewhere in the day. But Im glad you’re going to go to sleep earlier. With easy access to distractions these days, that can be difficult, but you got this
@Duchess i am homeshooled, so it’s not just homework. it’s the WORK.
@Cawwie Ohhh you’re homeschool? Okay that explains your sleeping schedule xD What does your homeschool day look like…?
@Duchess wake up, eat, like hardly do nothing, check mppc and discord, watch youtbe, draw, maybe do one lesson, wait untill mom is done with work and then i don’t have to worry anymore.
i have dance today
@Cawwie Interesting. And you struggle to do a lesson on your own? Is that why you “maybe do a lesson.” Would you do more if someoen was there to help?
@Duchess yes
I had fun doing the body thing with my dad, but once he left i lost motivation to do anything
@Cawwie i actually might ask him to come and help me and tell him about it
@Cawwie Aww, you must really like your dad. I hope you guys can do things together more often so you can have more motivation. It sounds wholesome.
@Cawwie i had these nausea thing too, i was almost a month without eating…
daniel176 dude are you okay