anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao
@tea-and-crumpets what’s ironic
bankedboxbox It seemed very stick-up-the-ass and considering the post was “wow did you fucking discover sarcasm” whilst Poptart’s post likely also being sarcastic, kind of rubs me the wrong way and it seems ironic. Dunno though. Maybe I’m just being a overthinking little bitchboy.
@tea-and-crumpets I don’t see any sarcasm behind poptart’s response so I was just curious where lied the irony, thanks for elaborating
bankedboxbox Yeah that’s fair. Maybe… I should stop overthinking about posts, especially ones that were made months ago and that have already probably been resolved anyways.
@tea-and-crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
It seemed very stick-up-the-ass
I- yeah I get where that’s coming from
@tea-and-crumpets said in
I should stop overthinking about posts,
I used to do that at times-
i’m stealing this bye
@tea-and-crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
I should stop overthinking about posts,
I overthink so much, not just about MPPC but pretty much everything bruh
It’s bad
bankedboxbox That was so random Bye
bankedboxbox O-oh okay
@Bandit … Same
Someone could say “Marc ate an apple” and I would be like:
But how did he eat it?
Did he eat it quickly or slowly?
Did he peel it or did he chomp on it? -
@tea-and-crumpets That’s kinda real-
@tea-and-crumpets Do you… not peel your apples with your teeth?
I love how this post became alive again
@Bandit Oh should’ve rephrased that.
I meant “Did he cut it into pieces and then eat it or did he chomp on it straight up?”
My brain is fried today, apologies. -
@tea-and-crumpets Oh sorry let ME rephrase rq: Do you peel the skin of the apple with your front teeth and pull it back with your tongue? Si o no?
@Bandit No I eat that outside layer together with the apple. If that’s what you mean.
@tea-and-crumpets Yes…
@Bandit What is happening- Why are we talking about peeling apples with our teeth-
@Your-Local-Reaper Real