anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao
bankedboxbox Yeah that’s fair. Maybe… I should stop overthinking about posts, especially ones that were made months ago and that have already probably been resolved anyways.
@tea-and-crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
It seemed very stick-up-the-ass
I- yeah I get where that’s coming from
@tea-and-crumpets said in
I should stop overthinking about posts,
I used to do that at times-
i’m stealing this bye
@tea-and-crumpets said in anyone online i wanna bug people lmfao:
I should stop overthinking about posts,
I overthink so much, not just about MPPC but pretty much everything bruh
It’s bad
bankedboxbox That was so random Bye
bankedboxbox O-oh okay
@Bandit … Same
Someone could say “Marc ate an apple” and I would be like:
But how did he eat it?
Did he eat it quickly or slowly?
Did he peel it or did he chomp on it? -
@tea-and-crumpets That’s kinda real-
@tea-and-crumpets Do you… not peel your apples with your teeth?
I love how this post became alive again
@Bandit Oh should’ve rephrased that.
I meant “Did he cut it into pieces and then eat it or did he chomp on it straight up?”
My brain is fried today, apologies. -
@tea-and-crumpets Oh sorry let ME rephrase rq: Do you peel the skin of the apple with your front teeth and pull it back with your tongue? Si o no?
@Bandit No I eat that outside layer together with the apple. If that’s what you mean.
@tea-and-crumpets Yes…
@Bandit What is happening- Why are we talking about peeling apples with our teeth-
@Your-Local-Reaper Real
@Your-Local-Reaper It was Tea’s analogy
I tried being funny but it kinda backfired
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo I’m so confused as to what’s going on, and I’m to lazy to backread.
@Bandit lmaooooo