i'm so happy rn (proof i'm an inner toddler :]]]]]])
I’m bloated, grumpy and moody
i’m gonna have a nice warm baff
and i’m gonna spoosh in warm cozy baff forever like i used to
this might make me sound childish but i can’t wait to spoosh around with my little random horse toys and idk toys that i’ve had everywhere and just heahehaehaheahehaheahehahea
the warm baff makes everything better and i’m gonna feel not like crap and pain and omfg i’m so happy rn haheaaeseashiehshea
also i’m getting the sillies rehehehrhuehawoehoeyhawiehewoqijeidfjkwreijorij;oewr;ijojewo;rfhiweo;rhfw;eoihrie;oos
anyway feel free to judge me
i won’t hear it over the water :D
@Enzi this is gonna make everyone on mppc think i’m weird
fun :D