cough COUGH
Their organs will sell for good money these days.
@Can-tFindGod EXCUSE ME-
Knox You’ve been excused.
Knox This one’s organs will sell for more.
@Can-tFindGod Your organs would sell for even better money.
@Laws I have already sold them.
@Can-tFindGod which ones
@Laws I gave away my heart but then got my lungs stabbed out then sold my kidneys for 9.99 at walmart,
@Can-tFindGod why does that sound like a good investment :I
@Can-tFindGod so i assume you’re a cyborg then
@Laws No, I’m dead.
I miss my puppy
@Can-tFindGod then how are you a living human
@Laws l
@Laws look at your own signature
@Laws I’m not?
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza did u eat him like I ate your mom I MEAN…WHATTTTTT
@Can-tFindGod then change your signature lmao
@Laws My signature is talking to you, not me.