something that happend. not to long ago.
You guys might not care or anything but i didn’t get to type it whale it happen but me and my om got a door dash for this guy Aaron and so we went to cony land and we went to go drop off the order it made us go into the parking lot and we told him where we where at and told him that we have his food and all he said was. “where are you??” …me and my mom was like “what the fuck?” so we keep texting him and shit no replied nothing. no answers calls or anything. and we both think if we stayed there any longer we would have gotten robed. we stayed there for 30!/40! mins waiting for the fucking dude. well anyway we just doped off the food and then we hailed ass out of there.
anyway I also got a new phone!
@Kaya-Rose Oh my gosh! That’s scary o.o So glad you guys got out of there. We should do an MPPC story time honestly xD
@Duchess yeah