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@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman . . .
i dont think hes very happy about it
yeah no shit
@HoodedSans am i the only person who sees the bad in him
@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman yes.
no i do too
@HoodedSans ?
@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman You’re worse than he is. Kicking him out of your damn house, after all he’s done for you, lazy ass bastard, jesus fucking christ.
@Mr-Hacke exactly bro.
@Izzy bud out
@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman fuck you.
@Mr-Hacke what do you know about alucard hm?
@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman i have the right to speak.
demi, knows a lot actually
@HoodedSans demi? take the time to know alucard? PFFT
@Kirito-the-jackass-swordsman he’s been around longer than you, he isn’t some piece of shit fake friend, like you, he cares for his friends, and the people who do shit for him, unlike your ungrateful ass.