"Don't go back, Ren" "Don't go back, Ren" "Don't go back, Ren" "Don't go back, Ren"
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real i have to go fight dragons to understand that shii
@Haechan_Lee_From_NCT what?
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real said in
@Haechan, you know exactly who i’m intrested in shut spelling go brrrr
@Haechan_Lee_From_NCT imsofuckin’BORED
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real Real
@Haechan_Lee_From_NCT these forums are SO dead-
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real Real x2
@Haechan okay but like- why he kinda- /hj
@Your-Local-Reaper Real /srs
@Haechan Real