im ganna go with the name victor
victor is my name now
@victor_satan pogg
@victor_satan By Who?
@The-Depressed-Bitch huh wdym
omg y’all could be twins XD
Shadow has the haircut and @victor_satan has the name -
@victor_satan Asked.
Knox no im not named by him im named by my fav character from corpse bride
@victor_satan who fucking asked.
@The-Depressed-Bitch XDDDDDDD
@The-Depressed-Bitch i just wanted ppl to know so yall dont keep calling me elliot
@victor_satan Its in you’re fucking name ViC-tOrr
@The-Depressed-Bitch elliot isnt in my name dumbass
@victor_satan i was saying fucking victor was in you’re name DuMbAsS
@The-Depressed-Bitch be more specific next time
Couldn’t be any more specific than that. -
Knox @The-Depressed-Bitch wtf is yalls problem wtf all i was saying is that i dont go by elliot no more i go by victor now so whats the problem with that if you have a problem with me block my ass.
Why tf are you all acting up? If victor changed their name, victor changed their name. Crazy how all of you get worked up over a little thing like that.
Knox @The-Depressed-Bitch so as my friend laws said if yall homophobic asses have a fucking problem with me block me right fucking now