Training advice needed
So, I recently got a new puppy and I’m currently on the road to training him the way I (sorta) trained my other 2 dogs. Potty training is not something I am doing, my parents always handled that so that’s not what I’m looking for.
My dog has learnt the basic commands like “Lay down” and “Sit” and of course my favorite, “paw.” But, he is struggling with learning to not bolt out the front door when it opens, to not jump on counters, and to come when we call him. I’m also trying to teach him not to bite but I know he’s just a puppy so I’m not focusing on that too much.
I just really need to know if anyone has had better luck with training dogs because the methods I used on my other dogs are not working and it’s really annoying.
@Soggy_Bread i never pottytrained my dog he’s too fucking retarded to learn
@Soggy_Bread beleive me. When they’re young, you want to teach them not to bite, or they’ll think it’s okay. It’s cute at first, but i learned my lesson.
I have a german shepherd with a strong ass bite. Play time can be pain time with her
@yae-its-melanie-lokre my dog never bit me- lmao
@yae-its-melanie-lokre Yeah, I am telling him not to bite but I’m not hitting him nor am I being too harsh because I didn’t train my other dogs to not bite (And trust me they were biters) and eventually they grew out of it.