Share link of your favorite song or instrumental
it reminds me of myself
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline lmao i was scrolling through all the songs and i was like “this has to be ry ry” then i get to the top of where ur name is and im like “I KNEW IT”
Not_justkys Lol no link? Okay.
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline THATS LIKE NINE OR SEVEN SONGS, but nice!
Ky.Is.High. lmao
BlackSheep i have more but those are like my top favorite ig- other than this song-
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline lel
my favorite song rn is Never Too Late
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline bc yes
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline and Three Days Grace is just amazing