Not rlly sure where to put this-
But does anyone know what happened to Shadow?
I came back from school, and his chat (he messaged me like 5 hours ago) says his profile is deleted, and that he’s left all chat rooms he’s in…?
His @ doesn’t even exist anymore. Just curious is anyone knows anything. -
@Your-Local-Reaper No- he left…?
Wubbrle the amazing Wubble Lemme show you. :/
Wubbrle the amazing Wubble Dms btw
@Your-Local-Reaper idk why but he deleted his account
@Poptart_Yeeter Did he say anything??
@Your-Local-Reaper no just dipped-
@Your-Local-Reaper said in Not rlly sure where to put this-:
But does anyone know what happened to Shadow?
Nope, all I know is he was having issues at home so maybe that has something to do with it? I know his mother was sick, I just hope she and him are okay.
Creek I know that his mom is sick rn, but he said he’d probably just stay offline if things happened…
@Poptart_Yeeter Hopefully he’s okay…
@Your-Local-Reaper Exactly, it’s really worrying because if something were to happen he would’ve vented to at least one of us, or so I hope.
Creek That’s why I’m worried. Because he would come to me a lot and just talk when he needed to.
This post is deleted! -
 I mean, I understand where you’re coming from, but he at least would have given us a heads up if he was gonna leave, so naturally, I’m/we’re a little worried…
@Your-Local-Reaper Yeah-
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