yo who has animal crossing on nintendo
If you can read this, you're gay. mememmememeemme me me ME.
Smoopy sureeee gimmie ur island code
If you can read this, you're gay. 1s 1s i gotta like turn off parental bedtime rq
Smoopy lol-
If you can read this, you're gay. dw dw i snuck on my dads phone and i know the code
Smoopy dont get caught :-:
If you can read this, you're gay. i wont, trust [ps. don’t jusdge me or my island, i havent played in like 2 years]
Smoopy dude only think my island has is a garden LOL
If you can read this, you're gay. lol anywho check ur dms for the island code in a sec
Smoopy kk