Just a thought.
@Laws lol okay, Also im trying tgo hit 4k on chrism’s
my uncle is a body builder and he tall af- im short-
@DREAMY I wouldn’t joke about that kind of thing when it’s a serious threat in society. I know you’re just trying to be funny and ironic, but please don’t say those kinds of things
@Duchess you’re late
@DREAMY You said this today. I’m not “late” to tell you anything lol
@Duchess yuh tell em
@DREAMY Plus, it still applies even if it was a week ago. I said don’t make these types of comments. Which means things like this in the future.
@Duchess Someone already said that though
@DREAMY Well it takes more than one person to get reasoning into someone’s head.
@Duchess I already said ok to the other guy though, so.
@DREAMY If you’re upset, I’m sorry. Your post history hasn’t been very appropriate either, just pointing that out. I noticed you’ve been reported recently, and that’s why I said something as I was looking through your comments.
@Duchess i mean im obviously making mean and rude comments its the best way to get my posts downvoted
@DREAMY Well I respect that you have a goal to have the most downvotes, but Nova has wanted the same thing, and all she did was ask for people to downvote everything she says. I don’t suggest going out of your way to be mean - just so you can get downvotes. I’ll personally downvote everything you say if you really want to meet that goal lol. I just don’t want you to be mean to others, yknow?
Alr, my bad.