Women's Rights
@Women-s-RightsHow far into pregnancy can I have an abortion? Texas bans abortions at all stages of pregnancy, unless you have a life-threatening medical emergency. The law does not provide exceptions for cases that involve rape or incest.
This is the answer I get when I look to see if abortion is legal in texas.
I think in my opinion, it’s disrespectful that men can just Choose what women do to their bodies.
Now, you’re probably thinking, “But haven! What’s wrong with having babies? babies deserve a life too!” I know that. But some kids have kids when their kids.
Picture this, an 8-15-year-old girl got raped by her pedophile uncle and she’s 3 months pregnant. She didn’t tell her family till it was too late because she was scared. The girl can only get an in-clinic abortion before or during 24 weeks of pregnancy so now, It’s too late.
The girl gets told by her doctor that if she keeps the baby she will most likely die from bloodloss and the baby will die anyway because of pre-mature birth. Now, no matter what either the baby will die or both the baby and the girl will die. The girl is not ready to have a child because she is too young to have a baby.
And, research indicates as many as 20% of homeless young women are kicked out or disowned because of Pregnancy, and Approximately 70% of teenage girls who give birth leave school. Sadly, about 700 women die each year in the United States as a result of pregnancy or delivery complications. During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes. But, not enough for a young girl to handle.
Now, I understand about the baby but that baby will wake up in another woman’s arms. that baby will have another life with another mother who actually wants it.
I would like for abortion to be legal again because I am tired of women’s rights being Snatched away from their grasp.
Our bodies shall not be controlled by anyone. ESPECIALLY men. Roe v. Wade is a cruel man to try to tell women what to do to their bodies. He has no idea how much women actually struggle with rape and insest. it isn’t just, Oh I slipped on someone’s cock NO! Women are actually getting raped BY MEN (And women) and are getting pregnant because of those snobby pigs.
I made a group called Women’s Rights to make us be seen and heard!
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Ok but why can’t I just be a mother and stay in the kitchen fr :/ so much easier
@Unimportant-User I’m talking about the people who Don’t have a choice but to be a mother
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo o
@Unimportant-User I’m also talking about the people who are forced into motherhood.
For example, parents who put their kids into sex trafficking stuff so they can get money for themselves.
Or if the girls get kidnapped and come back un aware their pregnant
the 19th amendment all over again???
No offense, but how is this going to help anything on here,
This would be better on actual twitter than mpptwitter -
@Dreamy Sadly, don’t have twitter and, there are, I think… 12,000 or more people on this site. most of which are adults who could spread this message.
Out of the 12,000 people on this site, only a few of them are online and would see this, but alr -
@Dreamy Okay then I’ll use the Emergancy Everyone button
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Which has about 200 people in it
Most of which are inactive -
@Dreamy Also, The little row on the bottom shows if people are online, It’s only for people with that green circle. Some people turn it off to not get any notifications.
@Dreamy Sorry, 100
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Yeah, but just that alone isn’t alot,
And if that many people were actually active this site wouldn’t be as dead -
@Dreamy Itt’s actually filled with alot of people who are active and 100 is still slot those 100 people have friends who also have friends Who ALSO have friends
@Dreamy Shit, I don’t think there are even 12,000 users active on the ACTUAL site
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo Thats if they wanna share the message
Most people are lazy -
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo And they aren’t active m8
@Dreamy It takes little to no effort to send a link to a friend
@Dreamy some are M8