Rant about fucking asha,
Asha has done the same,
Same fucking day when she was unbanned, always nafw, -
N A F -
@bheesetheshit Did I tell you about what she did to make .com and mpp to get blocked for me? (I only use .org now, if that gets blocked I’m absolutely fucked) Right, so, NSFW erp in the PUBLIC chat, directly involving me against my will. Somewhat. I wasn’t going to erp, I don’t… Do that shit. She was descriptively masturbating.
Yes sen, she is being a little whore ass bitch, then telling my friend, who was literally just going off about being depress and that its shit,
“Who asked?” -
They can go suffer REAL depression maybe
So just ban them now or-
@your-local-lesbian-op nno i missed asha D;
asha badd
@bheesetheshit uwu
@bheesexjap I think that’s Asha. My intellect says so.