There's something wrong with my robot 4
He is creating an army! -
This post is deleted! -
꧁꧂Ŵøℒƒy 🥰 Heℒℒhøųnd😇|P.G.|꧁꧂ i hope he doesn’t get too powerful
omg stfu with ur fucking robot dumfuck
Hold up what did you say
Read it again peasant
Angel no your the broke one
Jordan P what did i even do to you
Mk Mr.Wannabe all cool and shit with his fucking toys
Angel Huh?
Jordan P when did i say that
BOIII ur literly flexing ur damn toyz like if they are vbucks
and then u say sum shit abt the bot havin sum issues when clearly ur the fucking bot against me in fortnite -
Angel …
that made no sense what I just said but will go with it cuz why not
Jordan P lets see if im a bot friend me on fortnite
Jordan P we need to see whos the bot
Bettt letz run it up rn
Angel my name is mario100luigi200 dont ask why thats the name
Jordan P ts my brothers account