@ItzHarley there was a land full of roses there was a princess needing saving but in this one no one’s there to save her so after waiting 15 years lily decides to leave her mulpitative mother so she packs her bags and leaves at night so she doesnt run in to her mother and she not completely alone she has a butterfly friend named buggy he searched through the sky trying to find a place to go then buggy came back to her and said there was these pebbles on the ground leading some were and he thought we should follow so when they got to the beginning of the trail "thats not pebbles thats rabbit poop"she said and she had a good idea they could go through the rabbit hole so they ran for it once they got there she heard the queen’s army marching dang she knew she shouldn’t have grabbed the ice cream tub from the kitchen she starts to go down gently but her foot slipped and she fell in when she woke up she was in a forest and the only thing to light the way was fireflies it was beautiful and she knew then she wanted to spend her life there

i'm 17
i love animals
i'm funny
at least i think i'm funny
my favorite color is purple/green/black
and if you wanna know more follow and text me
Latest posts made by chaybug
RE: how about this
RE: how about this
hehe i feel sorry for the man i could have made a better ending
RE: how about this
@Lusion bob was out in the woods and he was far from home the bad thing is he doesn’t remember where home is so he’s running through the forest and he still can’t find any signs of people just garbage and he has to take a massive shit so he goes through the trash and finds a golden toilet seat so he digs a hole in the dirt and puts the seat down and takes a good one and right before he was about to wipe with some bark the toilet seat explodes and crap goes everywhere and that was the end of hem because he was in a landmine
RE: how about this
@Octavia this girl had a secret garden full of keys and every time you touch one a door pops up so this little girl had gotten mad and had decided to run away so she packed up her bags and ran she went to her garden and picked a rose key to guide her away she found a forest with a lot of fog she knew this was the perfect place to hide so she shut the door and the key vanished from her small cold hands she didn’t know once you closed it you could never go back but she didn’t know that so she thought there was another way out she began to walk the air was thick and cold the loudest thing in the forest was her shoes under the wet moss and the farther she went in the more she noticed about this place like the tall black trees or the sound that’s what got here the most because she heard whispers telling her to come here and help them she got scared so she put here hand in her pockets and just now realized that she doesn’t have her wallet so even if she gets out she has nowhere to run so she keeps walking feeling hopeless when she stops walking she doesn’t remember stopping so she looks down and shes sinking she starts fighting for her life and screams bloody murder and no one there to help her because she pushed them away and on her last breath before she go’s under she says two things "im sorry "
how about this
give me some words of objects and i will come up with a story for you
RE: come on guys
omg you are right. we need to get on this one because knowing the government they would make a disease that would kill all chickens and then give us a mixed breed chicken to fix the problem at hand.