Harry Pottah

Is it normal for a 29 year old man to still be joining this kind of things?
If so, let me know! I might be immature as hell.
RE: Is it normal for a 29 year old man to still be joining this kind of things?
TheGoreDude848 You’re kidding, there’s no way…
RE: Is it normal for a 29 year old man to still be joining this kind of things?
@CaptainPresto Honestly, everyone who is over 20 and they are still here can relate, something in my persona tells me not to, but my mind keeps going on saying “Go there and see what happens” or “Go there to check what is going on”. When I was 19 I would sometimes join MPP to enjoy the good scripted website of Brandon as the original owner of it, then later on this web would be made as the community page of everything.
My final point: It’s really interesting to be here and tell my opinions (Right now) in what I think of myself here.
So: yeah we can both relate, I might just never come back (as most of us would do) and forget about this site