@Your-Local-Reaper yes

RE: EAS Scenarios are funny
@owo finally someone who has the same
interests as me (kinda)fucking -
RE: Windows 11 version 23H2 is fucking abysmol.
Update 2/2: Aaand mission failed. The Start Menu still looks the same. The taskbar doesn’t though.
RE: Windows 11 version 23H2 is fucking abysmol.
Update 1/2: Fuck it I’m reinstalling ExplorerPatcher. No Updates were available so I’m resorting to reinstalling. I’ve exported my previous modifications.
Windows 11 version 23H2 is fucking abysmol.
For context, I had just installed 23H2 back on September 11th, 2023. Not even a year into using it and for some fucking reason Windows 11 just randomly just decided to disable all modifications I had made to the Start Menu using ExplorerPatcher (I had to update it several times and had to also restart my laptop aswell). I’m pretty sure I might have to reinstall ExplorerPatcher, but I don’t wan’t to go through the hassle of reapplying modifications again. I’m gonna see if any newer updates for ExplorerPatcher are indeed available, and if not then fuck it I’ll reinstall it.
RE: IM BACK + The Maturing of a newer, better person (hopefully)
@A38 Trust me, I have.
IM BACK + The Maturing of a newer, better person (hopefully)
I know, you’re gonna freak the fuck out, but trust me, I’ve matured.
Hey, I’m MichiganKid as they used to call me around these streets, but now I’m reffered to as just Mich. I was originally around here during the fall of '22, but the loss of my rep came to me around mid October-ish. 12 year old me thought it would be funny to harass a set of people on a specific post (not mentioning to anonymizate the victms) using slurs and insults (petty, i know). Some slurs I could reclaim, others I couldn’t. Basically, In short of terms, I wanted to say that I’m very fucking sorry for what I did. I was dumb, morally braindead if you will (funny considering I’m autistic and have ADHD) and I thought I could just easily gotten away with this shit. I deserved to get banned, the year long break was honestly deserved. Don’t worry (or do), I wont be here for long. About June 2024 I’ll delete this account and I’ll try and distance myself from this site as much as possible. If you have discord by this point, add me! I’d love making friends yo. My discord server is https://discord.gg/kbXJV4XUVd and my username there is doubledeckerrr___. Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you’ll accept my apology and generally accept me back in this wonderful community. It’s fine if you don’t. I don’t mind. :)