So today, I got onto Multiplayer Piano and then… this happened. Idk why this happened… I WAS NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING, I JUST GOT ON. Please fix this Lapis. :(
Fleetway Super Sonic
@Fleetway Super Sonic
I am a great pianist and a fan of Friday Night Funkin' (FNF)
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This is absolutely weird.
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This is absolutely weird.
So today, I got onto Multiplayer Piano and then… this happened.
Idk why this happened… I WAS NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING, I JUST GOT ON. Please fix this Lapis. :(
RE: What songs have you Heard over played or over rated before? xD
To be honest, Megalovania.
Many people say on MPP, “How are you playing that, how?” And I just say that I’m using MIDI. But most people are on school computers and don’t have access to MIDI file players on and whatnot… However, I use a tablet. I just use an app for downloaded MIDI files and I just play them for people because they like it.
Here is the app if you are using a tablet/phone, etc.,: