Uh oh this is a lot of notes
Is this they highet Note Limit You Could Get
Or not
my PC crashed for like 10 sec [Souless 6d.mid]

I Probably Exceeded a Limited of notes [oops]
RE: Join Hideri's Chill Room [Rules Broken]
Some People Broken Rules And Can They Send It To Lapis
Most of them are fighting, racist, and rude things. -
RE: Should I do a Face Reveal?
Ofc @your-local-dead-cat is upvoted also even if she didnt do an upvote
Should I do a Face Reveal?
If This Post Gets Up Voted 5 Times Ill do it :O
- 1 The Face Reveal will end In (Whenever I feel like it)
- 2 The post will be deleted when 3:30 PM hits (Dallas Time Zone)
- OkOkOk I WIll (Just now)
Please Read This | Santa loves y'all :D
Hey I’m just excited to have Xmas here
and I want to open my gift up. I hope your gift
will contain lots of surprises just have a good Xmas day.
I also know that your surprises will be lots of fun
if you have anything to share you can just chat to me.
I hope you are happy to read this post we love Christmas
a lot.Have a peaceful Christmas to your friends, Family, and even anyone Santa will be happy to see happy people on
the nice list keep up the stuff and to great happy kids!-A note to your spirit-
Top MPP Sites
- Mppclone
- MPP Lapis (Best Choice for NQ users)
Better MPP(Down)- Hyyes Mpp
- MPP Frostical (SOON) (My mpp btw)
- Hri’s Mpp
- -----Vote For A sneak peak of my MPP!-----
Alone - Alan Walker | MPP Deblacked
Alone - Alan Walker | Mpp deblacked
Me be having alot of volume
Reply to this post what Video i should do next :D -
What You Gtten for Xmas? :D
Im Bored and Im so Hungry i could eat My Presents for x-mas xD
Face Reveal Be like
XDDDDDDDDjavascript:alert(`XD`) //paste in console javascript:alert(`owo`)