why is it
@FleetwaySuperSonic Good :)
Silxnce don’t ask the other to tell you who is acting right and who is wrong, just read and make your opinion or just skip it if it’s too much time to give
there like 2 “sides” who think all of this is fair and self justice or unfair and harassement, they are just opposed
ㅤ you can’t attack someone upon “proof” you doesn’t have, you could just be lying,
only speech has no value
wait can you show
ㅤ said in "Save the owls" Bullshit.:
harsh jokes, Racial slurs, Homophobic Comments, and Sexist Remarks
i didn’t see “jokes” in your screenshots, neither “racial slurs” and abasolutely no “homophobic comments” and “sexist remarks”
ㅤ so because you don’t hurt him physically everything is fine ?
banning you because you attack him is fair comparing to what you are doing
ㅤ i will not leave because i think you’re wrong and i can’t let down a person harassed and attacked like this with so little “proofs”
well i read everythink and …
well to be honest i’m here to defend owl because i think this is totally unfair
are you a cop or something like that ?
what are you trying to do ?
harassing someone and his friends seam to be right to you
you say you do it to help but aren’t helping anyone
ㅤ by “dark” i’m pretty sure he mean the exact same think than with me
ㅤ said in "Save the owls" Bullshit.:
Luckar I am fr just going with what I read. Besides, they said Nothing about Color or… Soul or whatever till like a day after when I confronted them
well no need to be clear if no one attack, but when you are confronted you have to be clear
if he were really racist he would keep his word and being agressif to you
which i didn’t not or you would have screenshoted it
i feel like you’re just trying to shoot down the target you choose
ㅤ i think there is too much interpretation in what you say
yeah he keep away negativity, i’ve been banned severals times for being negatif
he used “you people” with me too even if i’m not black
i think you’re missing a point in the use of the word
send racist sreenshot please, i won’t believe you without proofs